Third Pitch/First Inning
Following torrential rains, Obama's "State of My Campaign" and president Tom healing and traveling Gordon opened the meeting by almost breaking the bell..and our ear drums. Jim Roche and Richard were the only MIAs. It was, in fact, Robbie Burns' birthday (and Robbie Goodell's son, Gordon's). Be sure to check out the Home Page for Robbie's review of last Saturday's celebration at the Yeckels.
We had Joy and Dave Rice visiting from Madison, WI. She is a member of the world's seventh largest club there in Madison. Her husband is a Kiwanian (hissss). No. We admire anyone doing good. Tad Wolff was our guest, as well, assisting our speaker with IT back-up.
This Day In History now requires that we ask AND answer the question. Isn't there a game show like this? But then if you sit at Dr. Mike's table it is no fun. He has gone on the same site that morning and knows all the answers.
With it 80 outside Bernard brings in The Big Kahuna red along with another blend. Nancy brought along a Castlle Rock pinot and a cab. Tom Ferrier had the wine club grasping their chests (and their wallets) when he reminded us we shouldn't spend over $45.00 on a bottle. Well, Tom, you and Max are up for next week. We'll be watching. I noticed en route to coffee that one of the tap handles at the bar pours Legally Red. I'll have to bring Carol by. Wonder if they'll stand her a pint.
Our program, Water4Life Ministries, was presented by four month Rotarian Rudy Shaffer. A child dies every 20 seconds from drinking polluted water. Cholera, eboli and typhoid are the culprits. A $46.00 filter can change all that. Rudy and his group raise money to fund distributing these filters to third world countries. They are good for 100 gallons a day and up to a million gallons over their life
ROCK NOTES Don't forget to RSVP to Gordon for theValentine party on February 8. 858-483-4990. I saw Philippe yesterday. Said he's trying to get by for a make-up. Only three people have access to the ClubRunner data. Lacking spouses' birth year this person (I ain't telin') took it upon himself to make all the women one of two ages. Who done it? What ages did he use.
Ed Itor